Zenko Metal Sounds tongue drum C pentatonic
Zenko is a tongue drum (also called tank drum or metal tuned drum) designed and created by Metal Sounds. This melodic percussion instrument is the result of a long research & development program headed by the Metal Sound’s team, in collaboration with scientists and experts in the metal industry. All has been studied: the raw-material (stainless steel), the cutting of the blades , the assembly, the finish… And the results are incredible!
The Zenko emanates its sounds like smooth and soft waves. Its high harmonics content comes from a perfect tuning process that is also reliable along the years. It will produce differents sounds depending on the kind of play: by hands or with sticks (included).
The pentatonic scale is a 5-tone C major scale. An A3 in the center will give a deep bass that will be used as a pivot. This scale is a pentatonic mode (5 notes that are repeated). It can be played by beginners or experimented musicians. Perfect to play with other instruments in a C major harmony, this is a highly energetic range.
- weight 2.8 Kg (6.17 Lbs)
- diameter 32 cm (12.6″)
- height 13 cm (5.12″)
- 9 notes: A3 – C4 – D4 – E4 – G4 – A4 – C5 – D5 – E5
- Deluxe bag included
- Support ring included
- Pair of sticks (vinyl tips) included